
I’m sure by now everyone has heard that there is a serious decline in the quantity and diversity of bugs out there.  One only reads one article to understand how bleak it sounds.  I myself have not had to wash my windshield after highway driving for a few years now.

What is causing this?  Global climate change (“global warming”)?  Pesticide use?  Monocrops?  Everyone watering lawns made of nothing but grass (read: desert)?

I wonder if anyone has thought of radiation, as in radio waves emitted from everything from cellular phones to GPS satellites to 50,000-Watt radio stations to Bluetooth absolutely everywhere?

Floyd and I will plant native flowers in all the bald patches around the house next spring.  We let the greenery in the grass grow regardless of what it is.  If Parkbridge management complains, well … okay.

Comments, anyone?

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