I wrote an email, last known address, to Mary telling her of my Mom’s TD account set up for her long ago. The email bounced back.
Too many unfortunate events in the world, powered by lies, greed, pride, selfishness.
Ongoing Letter - Allan's Place
Allan's journal to the world. (Sounds important, doesn't it?)
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this discussion with credit card companies. “I want to download the transactions made,” I say. “Yes,” they say, “you can download statements online.” “No,” I say, “I don’t want statements. I want transactions, downloadable into my accounting software, Microsoft Money.” “That’s the same thing. All the transactions are listed on the statement. Isn’t that the same thing?” “Ah!” I exclaim. “No! I don’t want PDFs! I want the transactions!” “Oh – … you can get the statements and then just type it into your program,” they offer.
I cancelled another credit card – this time HBC’s Neo MasterCard. Why? I think 24% is a bit excessive, don’t you? As well, I can’t download transactions into Microsoft Money (my accounting software).
You’d be surprised at how many banking / credit card people who don’t know the difference between transactions and statements. Transactions are they actual purchases, payments, charges, etc. that one incurs, downloadable as digital whatnots that financial or spreadsheet software can read. Statements are paper or PDFs that you can download to view the transactions of a given period.
Scotiabank, Home Depot, HBC Neo, and Walmart MasterCard all have no downloadable transactions. So, I rarely use them … except for Scotiabank because they give me a sweet interest rate.