Glenn’s birthday

Aizlynn called me, thinking of Glenn’s birthday.

We talked for a bit about dentistry (root canals, extracted teeth, and implants), Glenn (his life, his death, and things between), and pierogies (in England, they don’t have pierogies, but the closest thing they have is filled with strawberry!).

Glenn has been gone 10 years.

tooth extraction done

Okay, so there was no pain.  But…

It took Dr. Strong considerably longer than expected to get this tooth out.  It fractured into pieces when the crown was removed, and two roots had to be cut from each other to dig them out.  The ventral root had a bulbous shape on the end of it, and it was hanging on!  Finally, it all came out, and two dissolving sutures were put in, and the whole thing was packed in gauze.

On the way out, I said to the receptionist, “I hope Dr. Strong recovers well from this.”  She laughed.


The freezing is coming out, and I still taste blood.  It’ll take some time to heal.

tooth extraction

Today is the day I get my tooth (3-6) extracted. I’ve been on antibiotics for about 5 days. Hopefully the infection has subsided. If it hasn’t, the anesthetic won’t be as effective.

I walked in from the street last week complaining about the pain. They did some imaging and found infection in the roots and the jaw bone. Their records showed that 3 different attempts were made to save the tooth.  But the tooth is finished!

I wonder how much pain there will be.

MPE Link Pathway

Apparently we Southern Albertans are getting another bike path, called MPE Link Pathway.  Did you know about this?  I just read about it in the Feb. 13 2024 Lethbridge Herald.  Yes, I know, I’m a bit behind.  I have a stack of newspapers to get through.  But this is one of the more interesting articles.  I wonder if any of it is complete yet.  See map.

Read more

fever broke

I’ve been sick the past week or so – chills & sweats, fever (38.9°C / 102.0°F), extreme headaches (like 7/10), lots of sleep, coughing, burning chest, etc.  I must have sweated half a litre by now.

I did a COVID test.  It turned out to be negative.  (I’m not entirely sure if I did it right.)  I called Health Link (811).  They said go to the hospital – it might be pneumonia.  I went.  They said it wasn’t pneumonia but lung, nasal, & throat inflammation and a flu.  Yay.

The fever finally began to break yesterday evening.  I was down to 99.6°F / 37.6°C.  (I’m usually 36.5°C.)

Floyd was also ill – he got sick before me by about a day – but he’s not been as ill as me.  He sounded like he swallowed a gunny sack full of frogs for a few days.  Now he’s out and about, mostly better.  I’m still nursing myself at home.

inversion table

I finally bought a new inversion table to replace the one that Hanyoung stole in 2010.  Canadian Tire in Brooks, AB, was the closest store that had one.  I left work late in the evening with enough time to purchase it before CT closed.  It was a heavy brute.  What they lacked in quickness finding the product and bringing it out to me, the CT staff almost made up for by loading it into the van.

When home, I assembled part of it before making a bowl of noodles and finally falling asleep in the living room holding the bowl half-full of noodles.

The next day, the assembly continued.

It wasn’t hard.  The instructions were very precise and thorough (and wordy).  Finally, it was time to use it.  Finally, some back pain relief.

I’ll let you know how useful it is.