the English my is goodly

I ordered a siding cutter from Amazon a couple of days ago for less than $200.

But that’s not what this entry is about.

Made in China. How come they didn’t get somebody to check their English before making 600,000 boxes?

The National Plagiarist Society members would be proud.

breakfast, spelling

Today’s breakfast:

Coffee, cheese bagel, yogourt with blueberries.

Something weird – I’ve always spelled yo… that food… yoghurt.  But, apparently, that’s not how Canadians generally.  The Americans, as per their tradition, take out a couple of letters (yogurt), and the Brits add an extra u.  I was just going to post a picture of my breakfast and got into a discussion with Floyd about its spelling.  I think my yoghurt is cold now.

Bramble webinar

I just got an email from Bramble inviting me to a webinar about how to use their services.  The webinar’s host apparently has a thousand hours of tutoring through Bramble.  So I looked at mine.  I have 1091.27 hours of tutoring through Bramble.  This doesn’t include through my own server’s whiteboard or Microsoft Whiteboard.  I think I’ll skip the seminar.

Tutor of the Year nomination

Wow!  Good news!  I’ve been nominated by TD for 2020 Tutor of the Year for Canada!  A student’s mom wrote a very positive report on me, and now I am in the running to win this year.  This is most pleasing.  It comes with a gift card of $xxx.xx and … who knows what else – likely a news release of some sort (in the tutoring world, that is).  I’m grateful to TD for all their support, and I’m grateful to have such great students.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – my students make me look good!

auto stop & start students

The same day I posted my last entry on M & F (students, not Mom & Fl0yd), F quit.  He’s gone with another tutor.  His schedule has changed, and I can only tutor after 5:30pm, so F is no more.

At the same time, another student started.  Students come, students go.  This time, however, the student isn’t in Coaldale like F was; he’s in Lethbridge.  Good for me.  I don’t spend $5 in fuel driving to and returning from a student’s house to make $17 / hour.