dream 20231119

2023-11-19 dream

I was sleeping in the rear suite at 520, what Floyd and I have been working on, and woke up to find the shed was moving down the alley by itself.  I soon realized that the wind likely couldn’t do that, so it had to be pulled by a truck. 

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what is the soul of a man

I had a dream last night.  I parked my Kia Soul outside a store, left it running, went inside to do business, and went outside again to find it gone.  It was stolen.  I dreaded my Soul was gone.  Someone stole my Soul!  I woke up and remembered that I now have a Chrysler – my Soul was T-boned and is now scrapped for parts.  <sigh>

This month’s Bible study at my church is on the soul.  Do we have one?  Why or why not?  What is it?  Where is it?  Where does it come from?  Etc., etc.

I remember a story from long ago.  Two people were talking.  One person said to the other, “I sold my soul to the devil.  Now I regret it.”  The other person said, “No, you didn’t.  It wasn’t yours to sell.”

seeking new employment

I’ve been seeking new employment the past few weeks.  ISP did not work out.  They need someone with more experience who can work without an Engineer, and I need a place with more than just one guy (me), with engineering guidance and mentorship.  I think professional development cannot happen on my own, without an Engineer present.  The Engineer stamping ISP‘s work left for another company; ISP emailed him my drawings, and he emailed them back; but there was no two-way communication, nobody for me to ask questions.  I didn’t meet their learning curve expectations.  Yes, a new Engineer was hired, but a) he didn’t have experience in this type of work, and b) he had no authorization to stamp at ISP.

I’ve been seeking other Engineering Technologist / drafting / designing work.  There are a few places hiring.  I’ve had two offers.  Unsure what I will do.  Aizlynn believes I should branch out on my own and follow my dreams of simple living architecture (i.e. “tiny homes”, to use a blanket description).  This is intriguing, but I still feel I need the mentoring and expertise of professionals.

Once a teacher, always a teacher.  I continue to do sideline work in that.  Not a lot of money in it though.  More just a time-user while I seek other employment.  However, all my students show greatness, so I will not give them up.

More as it comes.

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dream – military, phone

Weird dreams last night.  I was in the military, this time the air force.  I was supposed to be someone who flew a small fighter jet, but I didn’t know how.  I tried bluffing my way through.  I was obviously walking in someone else’s shoes.  Nobody wanted to hear the truth.  I didn’t think I flew, but people wanted to talk about what accomplishments I made, and I had no idea what to tell them.  I checked the internet for facts.  I believe this is the first time checking the internet in a dream.

Next, my phone broke.  It just snapped right in half.  The weird thing is that it was still working – sort of.  I guess that’s what they call a “dog dream”.

Dreams area supposed to have some correlation in reality, but I cannot place where the plane flying experience comes into play.  The phone?  Well, I’ve broken phones before.  Maybe it’s a sign to be careful.

Midterm exam today, then architectural class, then an English tutoring student.  I’ve been working hard at the architectural plans.  Hopefully they won’t be a waste.  What I mean is, if someone else has already done it, maybe we’ll use theirs.  Gotta be sure that all details are correct.