MPE Link Pathway

Apparently we Southern Albertans are getting another bike path, called MPE Link Pathway.  Did you know about this?  I just read about it in the Feb. 13 2024 Lethbridge Herald.  Yes, I know, I’m a bit behind.  I have a stack of newspapers to get through.  But this is one of the more interesting articles.  I wonder if any of it is complete yet.  See map.

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cereal with coconut, cereal without milk

I really don’t like coconut.  So why did I but PC Organics Muesli, a cereal with coconut?  It’s a good cereal, one of the only ones without sugar (or some sort of sweetener) added.  Except this cereal has coconut, like so many others!  So I pick out all the coconut and give it all to Floyd.

I am also trying something new (to me) – non-dairy “milk” in my cereal.

I don’t see any problem with this.  I used almond drink (sorry – I have a hard time calling it “milk”), but, if you do some research, you’ll see that almonds consume just as much water to produce as does (dairy) milk.  So I’m trying soy and oat.  I can’t tell the difference between the two, really.  But neither of them has the taste or texture of milk.

You’re not supposed to see the bacon, eggs, bottled water, or Coca~Cola in the background.  It’s just there for decoration.  Just to be clear, I never buy bottled water (this bottle is continuously refilled) or Coca~Cola (left over from Christmas a few years back).  I bought the bacon, though – first time in years.  And, yes, I do eat eggs.

spring 2023

Spring has sprung.

The deer are eating the tulips for the third year in a row.  So this year, before planting a bunch of new bulbs, Floyd and I put up a 6-foot (2m) fence of plastic bird netting.  I found some long 1x2s in the garage, pulled the nails out, sharpened the ends with Father’s band saw, and hammered them into the ground.  Unfortunately, nightfall had already begun.  (I wonder what passers-by would think.)

I went to Peavey Mart to get some gardening supplies.  While looking around, I was surprised to see a cat just laying about.   Was he protecting the store from mice?  After all, he was sitting on a stack of feed, likely a mouse’s dream come true (except for the cat).

Along with spring comes spring cleaning.  I’ve finally phased out the old computer and brought in the new.  Along with that is also an old sound system I have had for about 15 years, replaced with a very small sound bar.

40°C, global heatwave

Pretty worrying.  The entire northern hemisphere on the glob is in a heatwave.  For the past few days, we’ve seen temperatures hovering around 40°C.  Lytton, BC, has stolen the North American “hot spot” from Nevada.  Lytton, unfortunately, is now gone.  The fire season has started already.  Fire ripped through the town, and 150 people evacuated.  No one injured, so they think.

inside looking out

If I were a wild animal, I don’t think I’d want to be in an enclosed area.  But in Parkbridge, deer come in in the morning and leave at the evening.  They spend their days meandering around the park, eating what they can, and sleeping the rest of the time.

I saw this one on the back way home from shopping.  We just stood there looking at each other.  We, as people, personify various animals.  The deer is obviously thinking, “Why is that guy outside of the enclosure?  Doesn’t he know the dangers?”

Reversing that, would the deer be personifying (or, rather, deerifying) me?  The human is obviously thinking, “It’s too bad that fence is there.  I’d like to kill that deer and eat it.”

nature is amazing

I get awe-struck sometimes of how amazing nature is.  There is a type of insect that has the only functional gear mechanism evolved in nature, that we have found at least, long before people designed it.  There is a bird that mimics the sounds of up to 14 other species of birds and, believe it or not, chainsaws.  Yesterday I read another article online entitled Scientists Discover a Major Lasting Benefit of Growing Up Outside the City.  I haven’t had a Netflix subscription for ages.  I do, however, have a subscription to because of nature documentaries.

Here are a couple of pics taken out / by my kitchen window.  I bought this and hung it on a garden / camping hanging pole duct-taped to another long pole.