first scooter ride of the year

I’m at Starbucks having a tall Pike.  I got here by scooter.  Yesterday was the first time this year being out on the scooter.  It’s still a little cool out – 10° today, 14° yesterday – but it was still a good ride.  The Harley riders and the diesel screamer pipe rednecks are out as well.  And I ride by with my silent but quick scooter.  Put that in your pipe.

idle chit-chat

So I’m standing in line for 10 minutes or so at Walmart, waiting to pay for some jeans, and a guy comes comes up behind me.  He looks at the till next to us which just recently hung its ‘closed‘ sign up, and we both shrug.  “Six of one, six more of the other one,” I offer.  “Yup,”  He says.  “It’s like a zoo in here,” I say.  “Yah, not as bad as other places,” he says.  We both stand there and nod.

I comment on this because it just seems as though people in every society around the world are starved for friendship, idle chit-chat, hang-out time.  There’s this old guy behind me, looking like he’d just coming off a day’s work, so, for no other reason aside from to tell him that the world wishes to say ‘hello’, I opened my yap.

The guy at the till, a younger black guy, looked tired, sick, out of sorts, and out of place.  I said, “Hiya, friend.  How you doing”?  He looked at me with a pensive face as if to say, “Well let me tell you about my day.”  He said, “Not too good.”  <sigh>  I wish I could help out, friend.  Age, colour, stature, level of wealth … we’re all brothers and sisters, and we all need love.

Happy Leap Year… Day!

Happy Leap Day!

Today is February 29, 2024.  To celebrate the Leap Day, I’m at Starbucks downing an Americano and completing my tutoring logs.  Okay, so it isn’t much of a celebration, but it’s nice to get out now and then.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this discussion with credit card companies.  “I want to download the transactions made,” I say.  “Yes,” they say, “you can download statements online.”  “No,” I say, “I don’t want statements.  I want transactions, downloadable into my accounting software, Microsoft Money.”  “That’s the same thing.  All the transactions are listed on the statement.  Isn’t that the same thing?”  “Ah!” I exclaim. “No!  I don’t want PDFs!  I want the transactions!”  “Oh – … you can get the statements and then just type it into your program,” they offer.

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snow tires and rims – Chrysler T&C

I finally got new snow tires for the Chrysler van.  I know it is the middle of February, and I should have done this before, but money is tight.

I got new rims, too, so I wouldn’t have to rely on a garage to change over from summer to winter tires and back again.  Unfortunately, it changes the look of the van completely.

completed puzzle – Busy Trains

Floyd, and to a lesser extent I, finally completed the Busy Trains puzzle.

This was an unusual puzzle in that each of the puzzle pieces’ shapes were so extremely close to similarly coloured pieces.  Yes, I know, that’s what puzzle makers do.  But the extent to which this was done was maddening, making it necessary to remove and replace several dozen pieces.  Maddening, I tell you!

freshly ground coffee

Okay, so there’s nothing really interesting to say about this. It’s just freshly ground coffee. But, to me, it’s a thing of beauty … in looks and smell!

getting ready for morning coffee


unprepared for havoc

Okay, I admit it.  Havoc happened.  I went out to start the van this morning, and it wouldn’t start.  I forgot to plug it in.  So I plugged it in and waited.  Still, the engine spun around and around, but it didn’t fire up.  I used the little Noco Boost Plus battery booster, and it still just spun around but didn’t fire.

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