first snow, painting, recycled clothes, COVID-19

I’m almost done painting the entrance of the house.  It’s turned cold.  The first snow of the 2020-21 winter happened a few days ago.  I was expecting a warm day that never came.  Instead, I put a couple of space heaters in the entrance way and brought it up to 12°C since the paint can said minimum 10°C.  I still have a bit of trim to paint.

The garage is cold, too, of course, which will make working on any projects with the new CNC a bit slower.  It’s so much nicer working in warm weather.  I’ve got a ton of firewood cut up and more to be cut but no wood burning stove in the garage – only propane and electric.  I have a few projects on the go but no new teardrops yet (teardrop trailers, that is).

Mom bought me a new shirt from Mark’s yesterday, but it was 60% polyester.  I hate polyester.  It’s like wearing plastic clothes.  I smell like a race horse at the end of the day.  I took it back and got another.  As it turns out, the second one, which is 100% cotton, is actually 70% recycled cotton.  This is my first time buying recycled textiles.  I wonder how well it will wear.

The COVD-19 count in the city is as high as it’s ever been.  I think this is partly due to the Thanksgiving weekend of October 12, 2020, with people insisting that they’re immune to it.  “Can’t happen to me.”  The latest act of carelessness is at a church in Coaldale, one of seven hot-spots in Alberta.  “Not too pretty good,” as Glenn would say.

some work resumes, some doesn’t

My work on the teardrop trailer has resumed.  I’ve been working for a few weeks now, and it’s almost finished.  I have yet to finish the galley hatch; trim, refit, seal, & install hardware on the doors, and secure wiring under the chassis.  I’d like to sand everything again and apply a final coat of polyurethane to smooth the texture of the wood.  So that’s my goal in the next little while.

While working on that, I listen to news from NPR, CBC, and other places.  It is an astonishing situation.  I feel so very disturbed by this.  The George Floyd thing going down in the United States is horrific.  Now, in Canada, where RCMP is known for overstepping their boundaries put forth by our laws, they are in the headlines again for treating brutally a First Nations person (a chief, no less).  I have no doubt that police are overstepping their boundaries.  I have supported police services all my life – without them, mayhem would occur.  However, lately, mayhem is occurring because of them.  Police are there to serve and protect.  They are doing neither.

I still have not found work (as in, income).  There really isn’t anything going on in my field.  So, I keep working on my projects.

reprieve in the long hours

After finishing college and taking a couple stabs at finding my ‘ideal’ workplace, which took a year and a half, I think I found a place I belong, at least for now, at CE.  (Or, rather, T found it for me on Kijiji and emailed it to me.)  I’ve been working since late Nov. 2019, learning as I go.

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It started snowing again today.  Yay!

I actually don’t mind snow.  I don’t mind walking in it, driving through it, or shovelling it.  I certainly enjoy looking at it.  People sometimes say, “When it’s winter, I complain about the cold.  But, in summer, I look forward to winter.”  I don’t think I do.  I actually enjoy winter.  No noisy hot-rods driving up and down the roads, coffee tastes better for some reason, and I look forward to meals much more than in hot weather.  On the down side, I don’t get to work on any projects, and daylight disappears pretty quickly.

food poisoning (or, crap)

I had some food poisoning today.  Well, not sure if poisoning is the right word.  I made some soup and included some dried foods left over from Korea.  Bad thing to do.  I rushed to the toilet several times.  Unfortunately, I had to cancel one class today but caught the second one.  On the way home, the fuel light turned on in the van.  It reminded me that I hadn’t eaten much today, so I stopped at Wendy’s for a wrap.  When I arrived home, Mother asked, “Do you have to go again?”  I took this the wrong way, thinking “the toilet”.  I replied, “Not sure yet, but thanks for asking.” She meant, “Do you have to teach again?”  Ah, then “no”.  Then Floyd asked, “Did you get rid of all that crap?”  Again, I was thinking “sitting on the toilet”.  “Uh… not sure yet,” I again replied.  He meant if I threw out the dried food in the cupboard.

to SIN or not to SIN

Good gravy.  I’ve been contacted four times in the past 24 hours by a machine claiming to be from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.  The recording states that my Social Insurance Number has been compromised.  Good gravy!  How gullible do you think I am?  Here’s an announcement from the actual OPC.  Don’t be fooled, people!  Hang up!