Technologies and Trades building

Mom, Floyd, and I saw the new Technologies and Trades building at Lethbridge College last week.  Mom got a bit tired near the end – it just creeps up on her suddenly.  But we saw enough of it.

This will be my first year in this new building.  All those who did the course in the normal two years will not have the chance to be in this new building.  Luckily, doing it in 3 years, I’ll spend my final year in there.

I brought a list of my classroom numbers, published a month ago.  I’m thinking they have since changed the numbers of rooms from a month ago.  Why do I say that?  One of my classes, Fluid Dynamics I think, was in room TT1933.  What’s the problem with that?  TT1933 is now a men’s restroom.  I saw my newly numbered classrooms today – TT1939, TT1940, TT1941, TT1942, and TT1981.  I guess I’m not having classroom in any restrooms.