spiders in the keyboard

It was apparently cleaning day at work today.  T moved some desks and debris out of the office as it was a slow work flow day.  I got into the kick of it later as well and finally tackled my computer keyboard, which was covered in … whatever the stuff is that collects on keyboards and the bottoms of computer mice.  I tipped it up-side-down and gave it a few good whacks.  What came out was surprising – not just the volume of grot but something else – a spider!  I nudged it with my finger, and, sure enough, it was alive!  All this time I’ve been using a keyboard with spiders in it.

ISC drafting

Wow.  Long time since I’ve updated anything here.

I’ve been at ISP as a drafter for a few weeks now.  The first week I was there, there were no new orders.  Well, maybe a couple.  But not enough to get my feet wet with my trainer, PP was quitting at the end of the week; drafting was not for him.  But, with no new orders coming in to cut my teeth on, I didn’t get a lot of practise in.  I did calculations, practise drafting of previously done orders, and getting used to AutoCAD again.

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ASET Mentoring program

I have decided to sign up for ASET’s Mentoring program to fine-tune my skills in my search for employment.  I’ve applied for 41 positions and had 8 interviews.  I’ve reworked my resume a few times and have drafter countless cover letters, some of which I have not sent (like to ISL Engineering, as they adamantly require APEGA membership).  I have been close in a few.  Still, in the six months since convocation, nothing solid.  Getting a little concerned.  So I’m hoping a little guidance from a Mentor will offer some insight.

interview for PA at architectural firm

I had an interview yesterday for a position as Personal Assistant to the Director at a local architectural firm.  It’s a part-time position that pays somewhat similar to Flex.  Although I would be ideal for this position (my opinion), it would not be much money.  It could turn into full-time later if things should pan out.  As it turns out, I know two people already there – K and KPKP is working as a Technologist in Training.  I don’t know if K is a full Technologist (C.Tech) yet.  I’ll know by Mon. or Tues. next week.

metal works technologist interview

I had my interview today for the technologist position.  It is for a metal works company in town.  I think it went well.  I stumbled a bit in identifying GD&T symbols like concentricity.  They need someone who is proficient at AutoCAD and is in it for the long haul.  Sometimes lots of overtime and weekends.  They’ll call the one they choose the end of next week.

holiday outside the box (or inside the box)

Now here’s an idea that, upon first look, seems kooky.  Vacation in prison.  But, having lived in South Korea for many years, I know that work can take its toll on a person.  The busy busy busy, go go go, workaholic lifestyle wears a person thin.  Enter: Prison.  Well, a place that apparently resembles prison.

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min. 3 years experience

I’ve been searching non-stop for employment since convocation in April.  I have had a few interviews and spoke with several employers, but pretty much all positions posted online require minimum 3 years’ experience.  There are repeat job listings rewritten with “This is not an entry-level position” included in the job description.

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