hidden humour

This is part of a Session Report made after tutoring.  (Session Reports are written after every session and sent to the company.)

Our studies today focussed on the human eye.  We saw the various parts of the eye in diagrams and identified various problems with sight.  The tutor saw growth in student’s understanding of the endocrine system as well.  We also touched on the nervous system. 

I include some hidden humour in every session report, yet no one has ever commented on them.  Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?

The Builder (a limerick)

The Builder – by Allan Johnston – 2025-01-01

The Builder – Allan Johnston 20250101

There once was a guy named Allan
“The homelessness here is appallin’
I must do my bit
And I don’t give a shit
If they think that I’m wasting my betalen”

He though he had answered his callin’
Contractor bags he was haulin’
He fill them all up
‘Til they were about to rupt’
‘Cause plaster from walls was fallin’

He carted them down to the landing
Hard work, it is true, ‘twas demanding
Great bags full of white muck
Brought down on a fridge truck
And the dust in the air was expanding

Good boots and respirator he was wearing
As the dust in the air it was tearing
At his eyes and his ears
Yet he show nary fears
Though he pondered it might be a red herring

“What’s this for, what’s the reason to toil
To labour, to strain, and to moil?
To get sick from the dust
Wave my arms in disgust
For my health and well-being it could foil?

I work on and build floors and hang drywall
And I tape and I mud eight-foot-high wall
And I sand and I paint
Lord! the smell makes me faint
All this work just might be my downfall

But the answer I found it is clear
‘Tis the labour I value so dear
To work on past the dusk
Just like Elon Musk
For the vision I have is so near

It begins with a building permit
And expenses it’s true they can surfeit
And amongst all the clamour
I lost my best hammer!
But when finished it will all then be worth it

With this vision I work to the finish
My resolve to work on won’t diminish
More siding I acquire
Hang electrical wire
And I tape, mud, and sand to a linish (look it up!)

I order new triple-pane windows
How much did I pay, I won’t disclose
New appliances with sheen
Like a laundry machine
That will help my tenants wash their clothes

Now I see the results of my build
With all that I’ve learned from my guild
To let such a flat
To a woman with a cat
I believe my calling I’ve filled

sore sinuses

I’ve breathed in too much dust while renovating a rental house – plaster dust, airborne debris from scraping up flooring, and general dirt-dust that had seeped in through the walls over the past 113 years.  I had to leave before sundown as my sinuses were so sore.

In the shower this evening, I used NeilMed, a nasal wash, to clean things out.  It certainly helped.  But still, at 8:00pm, my sinuses are sore and I’m coughing.

work bench work

While Floyd is in Saskatchewan, I’m here.  I delivered him there but found I had nothing to do, so I drove back again and started this project.

Whenever I try to do something heavy, like using the vice, the bench hops around and prevents any serious work being done.  It wasn’t fastened to the walls – it was just sitting directly on the plastic shelving (see pics).

So I pulled it all apart.

Read more


I recently started a new position at a company that makes cabinets as a drafting technologist.  For the past two weeks, I’ve been getting to know the software they use and trying to create an AWMAC compliant room-by-room materials list for a house.  I think they are a good group of people who seriously work hard.  The position, as with most positions out there, comes with a three month probationary period.  I hope I make the cut.  I’ll keep you posted.

In the mean time, there’s still TD.  They also keep me busy.  I’m not sure if I can take on any more clients with them as time is now limited.

seeking new employment

I’ve been seeking new employment the past few weeks.  ISP did not work out.  They need someone with more experience who can work without an Engineer, and I need a place with more than just one guy (me), with engineering guidance and mentorship.  I think professional development cannot happen on my own, without an Engineer present.  The Engineer stamping ISP‘s work left for another company; ISP emailed him my drawings, and he emailed them back; but there was no two-way communication, nobody for me to ask questions.  I didn’t meet their learning curve expectations.  Yes, a new Engineer was hired, but a) he didn’t have experience in this type of work, and b) he had no authorization to stamp at ISP.

I’ve been seeking other Engineering Technologist / drafting / designing work.  There are a few places hiring.  I’ve had two offers.  Unsure what I will do.  Aizlynn believes I should branch out on my own and follow my dreams of simple living architecture (i.e. “tiny homes”, to use a blanket description).  This is intriguing, but I still feel I need the mentoring and expertise of professionals.

Once a teacher, always a teacher.  I continue to do sideline work in that.  Not a lot of money in it though.  More just a time-user while I seek other employment.  However, all my students show greatness, so I will not give them up.

More as it comes.