This is the second-most ornery puzzle ever completed in this house.

Ongoing Letter - Allan's Place
Allan's journal to the world. (Sounds important, doesn't it?)
stuff with which to keep busy
Floyd and I were talking about spare time activities. I commented on nobody using the facilities at the hall here at Parkbridge that we all pay for every month. So, I decided to to use them.
There’s a pool table, small library, shuffleboard, little kitchen, exercise equipment, and seating. I played four games of “pool” by myself. Once one ball is sunk, the table must be cleared of those before going on to the other. Okay, so not much fun, but it’s an activity.
And you all thought I was talking about a swimming pool. This isn’t California, you know, where everyone has a pool bigger than their house in the back yard.
Floyd and I watched The Longest Day last night, a movie shown on TCM commemorating 80 years after D-Day.
I just met a woman from Ireland named Veronica. She was standing in the town square in Basingstoke, UK near a statue of Jane Austen. How’s that?
I video called my sister via WhatsApp. When she answers, she was talking to a friend of hers on the street and introduced me. I showed Veronica the snowy landscape in Lethbridge, just outside my windows. It just so happened that we’ve had about a foot (30cm) of snow. She was quite amazed. Aizlynn showed the town square, a quaint, picturesque place. There is a statue of the writer, Jane Austen, nearby. We read some plaques on the ground showing bits of into.
Aizlynn & Caleb were on their way out to supper, so off they went.
Floyd, and to a lesser extent I, finally completed the Busy Trains puzzle.
This was an unusual puzzle in that each of the puzzle pieces’ shapes were so extremely close to similarly coloured pieces. Yes, I know, that’s what puzzle makers do. But the extent to which this was done was maddening, making it necessary to remove and replace several dozen pieces. Maddening, I tell you!
I just finished watching The Orville, a spin-off of Star Trek (that isn’t really actually Star Trek). They made three seasons. I hope they eventually resurrect it and create more.
I got the impression from reading about it that it would be a goofy spoof, full of slap-stick and fart jokes. Not so. Sure, it has a bit of that, but mixed in was suspense, plot twists, intrigue, humanism, social commentary, and drama, along with great acting. Hell, even Dolly Parton made a cameo!
Then again, I think they made a mistake by cancelling Enterprise, so what do I know?
I just saw a movie on Amazon Prime called On a Wing And a Prayer. I was impressed. Dennis Quaid was in it. Not sure why, but IMDB gave it only 5.6/10 stars. I would give it 9.
Today Alex Trebek has been gone for one year. It seems less than that, like a few months ago. Mom & Floyd would watch Jeopardy together, one of the few TV shows of late they watched together. The producers have cycled through a few ‘guest hosts’ since his death, but no one has replaced him.
Now I’ll be happy all week!