not funny … not at all

I watch a show or movie to relax, have fun, be happy.  I don’t want more violence.  While watching New Girl S1E12 (comedy on Netflix), a guy in a parking lot pulls a gun and threatens people with violence.  Funny?  Sorry, crossed the line.  Too much s*** like that.  If that’s comedy, then I don’t want it.  Not in my house.  American culture, perhaps.  Not mine.  Last weekend a guy in the States killed 11 people at a synagogue.  Think family members would think this episode is funny?  I cancelled my Netflix account.


half of “the room”

Have you ever sat through a movie that was just awful?  I watched something on Netflix called The Disaster Artist, a movie about the making of another movie called The Room.  So when The Disaster Artist was done, I tried watching this B-movie about directed, produced, and acted by Tommy Wiseau.  Oh my frakking god!  It’s now 56:00 into the movie, and I just can’t watch it!  Give it a try, see what you think.

ode to Euler, Bernoulli, Leibniz, and many many more

It seems to me that the book Leonhard Euler and the Bernoullis by M. B. W. Tent should be standard optional reading before starting any Calculus course at college.  It seems to me to be a read worthy of a read before the course to put a bit of history behind the whole concept of Calculus.  It puts into perspective how all the mathematic sciences have evolved over time.  It was suggested by one of my Instructors at Lethbridge College, Braum Barber.  If anyone wants to give it a read, they can find it here.

12/3/2017  9:04 AM      2664775 Tent – Leonhard Euler and the Bernoullis.pdf


I found a few new shows on Netflix now that I figured out how to change the settings on it.

Funny how four out of five are sci-fi.

I contacted Netflix a few weeks ago and told them I resented having to see people standing in their front yard with blood gushing out of their faces after having eaten another person, all the way smiling.  Gross.  I told them I didn’t want that in my house, in my living room.  No, Netflix doesn’t actually do a good job selecting for me what it thinks I might like – obviously a terrible job.  Fix it!  A couple of weeks later, the menus change, and now there’s thumbs up or thumbs down without having to actually view it or intentionally search for it just to have a thumbs-up or -down button.  Finally some control to get that crap off my screen.

I’m not into zombies, or blood, or walking dead, or whatever they can pull out of the dark turd pots of their minds.  When will this finally disappear?  Zombies???  What, are you five?  I’ve seen enough in real life, thank you.  Not interested.

I also subscribe to Curiosity Stream, a documentary website.  Now that’s leisure time well spent.

The Stranger In the Woods, or ode to Glenn

I just finished a book that was given to me by the staff at Flexibility called The Stranger In the Woods by Michael Finkel.  What’s weird is that it took until the third-last chapter to draw a comparison between the character in the book, Chris, and my brother, Glenn.

They both escaped society and all its absurdities, couldn’t co-exist with people around, somehow found meaning in solitude, excluded the trappings of modern life from his own.

“He’s done some research; hypothermia, he believes, is a painless way to die.  “It’s the only thing that will make me free.”  (Page 182)  Glenn organized his things immediately around him in such as way that showed he knew exactly what he was doing – planned completely.

“Yeah, the brilliant man,” says Knight, “the brilliant man went to find contentment, and he did.  The brilliant man wishes he weren’t so stupid to do illegal things to find contentment.”  (Page 183)  My brother grew & sold pot as part of his income.  And, yes, he was brilliant, and he was trying to find contentment somehow.

I could go on, but I won’t.  The book is done.  Perhaps this is why Elma chose this book.  Thank you, Elma.  I get it.