instant mashed potatoes (Rene food)

We got this as part of the Rene food collection.

Uh … look closely at the better if used by date.  I thought it tasted a bit …. dark.  It was good, mind you, but just … different.

The question that would normally come to most people is, “Didn’t you see the date?”  No.  My question is, “How did Rene hold on to it for so long?”

damn hamburger bun

I went to Safeway to get some cream for my coffee.  I’ve had milk in my coffee for four days now!  Imagine!  Gross.  It has a sickeningly sticky, hollow taste to it.  (Now enjoying a second cup mixed in with my first cup, with cream.  Much better.)

yesterday’s Lethbridge Herald

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By mistake, I bought some Crisco shortening a while back that is yellow!  I opened it up a few days ago to find it looked like butter.  I’ve never seen yellow shortening before.  I tasted it.  Definitely not butter!

My sister, a while back, commented that cheddar over here is orange but shouldn’t be.  Why do we put food colouring in everything?  Can’t we simply enjoy the taste of natural stuff?  Now Floyd’s muffins are extremely orangy-brown.

I also have white cheddar.  Over here, they call it white cheddar, not just cheddar.

breakfast, spelling

Today’s breakfast:

Coffee, cheese bagel, yogourt with blueberries.

Something weird – I’ve always spelled yo… that food… yoghurt.  But, apparently, that’s not how Canadians generally.  The Americans, as per their tradition, take out a couple of letters (yogurt), and the Brits add an extra u.  I was just going to post a picture of my breakfast and got into a discussion with Floyd about its spelling.  I think my yoghurt is cold now.

pressure cooker

Part of the reason for buying this was to use up all the dry food stores we have from Rene.  Cooking all these lentils and beans and peas … well, it never really works out well.  Either they’re much or pellets when I’m done with them.

A&C told me about their pressure cooker and all the good food it can create.  I looked online and found a Starfrit on saleA&C and I walked (videophone) for a while, while I was at Walmart, about which one to get.  In the end, I got a Hamilton Beach.

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dried foods

Aizlynn and Caleb bought a new pressure cooker.  We were talking about what one can cook in it.  I brought up the Rene food (a rather large selection of leftover food when he finished his tenancy) and the fact that I haven’t the foggiest idea what to do with much of it.  Here is an accounting of all the dried foods and their quantities in our collection.

The Pile

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Glenn’s birthday

Aizlynn called me, thinking of Glenn’s birthday.

We talked for a bit about dentistry (root canals, extracted teeth, and implants), Glenn (his life, his death, and things between), and pierogies (in England, they don’t have pierogies, but the closest thing they have is filled with strawberry!).

Glenn has been gone 10 years.