I’ve written before about the tiny home idea previously – how it might work, what impacts it would have on a town or city, how if might help various people, etc. Something occurred to me while going to a student’s house in a mobile home park.
There were several older mobile homes (or manufactured homes, if you will, since they’re not exactly mobile). As these older models become less livable and their worth diminishes beyond the threshold of acceptability, they would need to be removed. Why not use that space to install two, three, or four tiny homes?
The tiny home would fit nicely into a mobile home park. Benefits:
- The infrastructure for accommodating movable homes is already there.
- The use of numerically numbered houses are already in place, rather than grid street addresses.
- Utilities electrical, gas, cable, telecommunications, and plumbing hookups are conclusive to movable homes.
- A non-standard placement of buildings already exist (the footprints of mobile homes are often kind of random).
- Lots in a mobile home park are for the most part rented, not owned, contributing for lower homeowner costs.
- Relocating a tiny home would be simpler in a mobile home park than a normal city street lot, allowing for easier sales and purchases of them. Allowance could be made for shorter leases if a one-year lease isn’t desirable.
- Community centres are often part of a mobile home park, a facility that may be of greater benefit to a tiny home owner than the owner of a full-sized home.
- It would not impact the neighbourhood as negatively as the monster home crowd. That is, not as many NIMBY complaints.
I’m sure I could continue to find reasons that this would be a good fit. What say you?