hidden humour

This is part of a Session Report made after tutoring.  (Session Reports are written after every session and sent to the company.)

Our studies today focussed on the human eye.  We saw the various parts of the eye in diagrams and identified various problems with sight.  The tutor saw growth in student’s understanding of the endocrine system as well.  We also touched on the nervous system. 

I include some hidden humour in every session report, yet no one has ever commented on them.  Am I the only one who thinks this is funny?


I’ve got a problem.  My stomach, since the poison-by-lemons incident in Korea, has been ill-tempered.  The slightest thing can upset it, and I experience bloating, rumbling (that distracts and amuses one student in particular), and gas.

So I came across this article.

How to Stop – And Prevent – Bloating

I thought, “Oh, I might find some of this article helpful” … until it started talking about my menstruation cycle.

Well crap.  I guess this article isn’t for me.

instant mashed potatoes (Rene food)

We got this as part of the Rene food collection.

Uh … look closely at the better if used by date.  I thought it tasted a bit …. dark.  It was good, mind you, but just … different.

The question that would normally come to most people is, “Didn’t you see the date?”  No.  My question is, “How did Rene hold on to it for so long?”

should Canada absorb the United States

I can’t help but comment on this buffoon down south, Donald Trump.

He has mentioned several times that he wishes Canada to become the 51st state.  He claims that the majority of Canadians want this, that the border is an artificially drawn line, that the United States carries Canada financially.  He wants to push Canada financially to join the US.

You have got to be kidding me!

So here’s my proposal.  We take over Alaska because, as you can see on maps, it really should be Canada’s.  We take over Detroit because it lies north of Canadian land (and should be absorbed by Windsor, ON).  While we’re at it, just take the entire state of Michigan.  We take over ownership of Cascadia as, culturally, it really does belong to Canada.  Minnesota has talked in the past about joining Canada, too.  Ontario Premier Doug Ford seems to think the same thing.

Why isn’t this guy dethroned as the idiot he is?