should Canada absorb the United States

I can’t help but comment on this buffoon down south, Donald Trump.

He has mentioned several times that he wishes Canada to become the 51st state.  He claims that the majority of Canadians want this, that the border is an artificially drawn line, that the United States carries Canada financially.  He wants to push Canada financially to join the US.

You have got to be kidding me!

So here’s my proposal.  We take over Alaska because, as you can see on maps, it really should be Canada’s.  We take over Detroit because it lies north of Canadian land (and should be absorbed by Windsor, ON).  While we’re at it, just take the entire state of Michigan.  We take over ownership of Cascadia as, culturally, it really does belong to Canada.  Minnesota has talked in the past about joining Canada, too.  Ontario Premier Doug Ford seems to think the same thing.

Why isn’t this guy dethroned as the idiot he is?

The Builder (a limerick)

The Builder – by Allan Johnston – 2025-01-01

The Builder – Allan Johnston 20250101

There once was a guy named Allan
“The homelessness here is appallin’
I must do my bit
And I don’t give a shit
If they think that I’m wasting my betalen”

He though he had answered his callin’
Contractor bags he was haulin’
He fill them all up
‘Til they were about to rupt’
‘Cause plaster from walls was fallin’

He carted them down to the landing
Hard work, it is true, ‘twas demanding
Great bags full of white muck
Brought down on a fridge truck
And the dust in the air was expanding

Good boots and respirator he was wearing
As the dust in the air it was tearing
At his eyes and his ears
Yet he show nary fears
Though he pondered it might be a red herring

“What’s this for, what’s the reason to toil
To labour, to strain, and to moil?
To get sick from the dust
Wave my arms in disgust
For my health and well-being it could foil?

I work on and build floors and hang drywall
And I tape and I mud eight-foot-high wall
And I sand and I paint
Lord! the smell makes me faint
All this work just might be my downfall

But the answer I found it is clear
‘Tis the labour I value so dear
To work on past the dusk
Just like Elon Musk
For the vision I have is so near

It begins with a building permit
And expenses it’s true they can surfeit
And amongst all the clamour
I lost my best hammer!
But when finished it will all then be worth it

With this vision I work to the finish
My resolve to work on won’t diminish
More siding I acquire
Hang electrical wire
And I tape, mud, and sand to a linish (look it up!)

I order new triple-pane windows
How much did I pay, I won’t disclose
New appliances with sheen
Like a laundry machine
That will help my tenants wash their clothes

Now I see the results of my build
With all that I’ve learned from my guild
To let such a flat
To a woman with a cat
I believe my calling I’ve filled

damn hamburger bun

I went to Safeway to get some cream for my coffee.  I’ve had milk in my coffee for four days now!  Imagine!  Gross.  It has a sickeningly sticky, hollow taste to it.  (Now enjoying a second cup mixed in with my first cup, with cream.  Much better.)

yesterday’s Lethbridge Herald

Read more

van expenses

I got my van back from Tom & Gerry’s.  I blew a radiator hose a few days ago, but while it was in the shop I asked them to look at why the steering is so stiff.  It turns out the entire rack and pinion steering system was worn out.  Total cost for replacing all those parts and repairing the cooling system: a little under $2000.00.

The steering is now a lot more responsive, easier to handle.  It was like a stubborn mule before, having to strong-arm it to turn.  Now, all is well.

overheated and stranded

I was on my way to students’ house in Cardston when my van overheated.  So now I’m stuck out here waiting for a tow truck.  I left town at 2:30pm; now 4:20pm; still another 1 hour before the tow truck shows up.

In the mean time, I was kept company by about 4 or 5 dozen cattle.  One of them named Dolly (obviously a pet) ate grass from my hand.  I would like to have stayed out there, but it’s cold out.  Now that I’m sitting in the van, it’s colder in here than out there.  How’s that?  I could feel their collective heat.

Could this be my winter travel I was hoping could happen?  Considering the van now has an issue, this might be it!

 12/8/2024  3:15 PM      3800429 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_151517.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:16 PM      1313326 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_151620.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:25 PM      4961156 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_152550.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:25 PM      5210336 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_152554.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:26 PM     10425014 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_152558.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:36 PM      2823603 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_153654.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:38 PM      2462500 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_153827.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:38 PM      3475047 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_153829.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:38 PM      1259535 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_153844.jpg
 12/8/2024  3:41 PM      1694790 stranded on HWY 5 with cattle 20241208_154111.jpg