should Canada absorb the United States

I can’t help but comment on this buffoon down south, Donald Trump.

He has mentioned several times that he wishes Canada to become the 51st state.  He claims that the majority of Canadians want this, that the border is an artificially drawn line, that the United States carries Canada financially.  He wants to push Canada financially to join the US.

You have got to be kidding me!

So here’s my proposal.  We take over Alaska because, as you can see on maps, it really should be Canada’s.  We take over Detroit because it lies north of Canadian land (and should be absorbed by Windsor, ON).  While we’re at it, just take the entire state of Michigan.  We take over ownership of Cascadia as, culturally, it really does belong to Canada.  Minnesota has talked in the past about joining Canada, too.  Ontario Premier Doug Ford seems to think the same thing.

Why isn’t this guy dethroned as the idiot he is?

damn hamburger bun

I went to Safeway to get some cream for my coffee.  I’ve had milk in my coffee for four days now!  Imagine!  Gross.  It has a sickeningly sticky, hollow taste to it.  (Now enjoying a second cup mixed in with my first cup, with cream.  Much better.)

yesterday’s Lethbridge Herald

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five and a half Ws and their answers

We all know the five Ws – who, what, when, where, why – and their neglected cousin, how.

But when we use these words to create compound words in reply, this happens:

  • somewhat
  • somewhere
  • somehow

But that about the other ones?

  • somewho (we have to say someone)
  • somewhen (we have to say sometime)
  • somewhy (we have to say for some reason)

English is weird.

working with (on) a headache

Headache day.  Not a big one, but one nonetheless.  I’m at Henderson Park catching up on tutoring work.  I have four classes to add and homework to create for all.

I went to Starbucks on 5 Ave. N.  The air conditioning was too strong, the clanking and banging from staff was incessant, flies were landing on me, and the coffee had too much cream.  Did I mention I had a headache?  Was all that discomfort created from my headache or vice versa?

AVG broke my system!

AVG Antivirus broke my system!  Instead of coming to my OGL and posting something, I’ve spent the past 1.5 hours trying to sort through why my computer is broken – specifically, why Explorer Patcher has been quarantined by AVG Antivirus.  It actually started last night when my computer couldn’t open a simple .txt file.  Then more of it this morning!  They claim it contains a trojan virus.  I really don’t believe it does!  It’s just an add-on program that changes the goofy Microsoft Windows 11 look of a computer back to Windows 10 or 8 or 7 or whatever you like.  It takes the stupid context menus out, gets rid of the silly screen one sees when punching the Windows button, etc.  An hour and a half!  Buggar off, AVG!  Stop trying to rule how I live my life!

activities, Starbucks music

Been busy the past few days.  I installed some deadbolts in the rear of a rental property, cleaned out part of the garage, completed my taxes, blew out all the leaves from the red shale rock on the East side of the house, and attended a pot-luck supper at the community centre.

Boy, the music at Starbucks sucks.  There was some opera tenor bellowing away like a sick cow in the previous song, and now we have show tunes.  Should a person run the risk of sounding like a complainer, put up with it, or leave?

I left.

vultures (or Rogers)

So we’re back with Shaw / Rogers after a brief stint with TekSavvy.

A few weeks ago we had switched over to TekSavvy for internet, TV, and phone.  Then we got a bill from Rogers for S2477.86 – almost 25-hundred dollars – a cancellation fee.  We signed up a year ago to a faster service and, apparently, inadvertently, signed a 5-year agreement with them.

Fine, except that the 5-year agreement was a contract that, somewhere in fine print, stipulated a fee of 50% of the remaining contract if we cancel.  FT and I were on the phone for an hour trying to sort it out.  In the end, FT decided to reinstate the internet and cable TV so as to avoid paying that fine.

So, although TekSavvy seemed to be a good company with which to sign up, we are now stuck again with … Rogers <say it with disdain> … for another four years.  Vultures!

another one bites the dust (HBC Neo MC)

I cancelled another credit card – this time HBC’s Neo MasterCard.  Why?  I think 24% is a bit excessive, don’t you?  As well, I can’t download transactions into Microsoft Money (my accounting software).

You’d be surprised at how many banking / credit card people who don’t know the difference between transactions and statementsTransactions are they actual purchases, payments, charges, etc. that one incurs, downloadable as digital whatnots that financial or spreadsheet software can read.  Statements are paper or PDFs that you can download to view the transactions of a given period.

Scotiabank, Home Depot, HBC Neo, and Walmart MasterCard all have no downloadable transactions.  So, I rarely use them … except for Scotiabank because they give me a sweet interest rate.