pressure cooker

Part of the reason for buying this was to use up all the dry food stores we have from Rene.  Cooking all these lentils and beans and peas … well, it never really works out well.  Either they’re much or pellets when I’m done with them.

A&C told me about their pressure cooker and all the good food it can create.  I looked online and found a Starfrit on saleA&C and I walked (videophone) for a while, while I was at Walmart, about which one to get.  In the end, I got a Hamilton Beach.

I got busy with some food and made my first creation chicken and potatoes.

Hamilton Beach pressure cooker 20240804_122235 c1 chicken, potatoes.mp4

Next, try to use up all the lentils.  Lentils, various vegetable, pastes, etc. got chucked in.

That turned out well, too, but I noticed that everything is a little too cooked, a little too mushy.  I’ll have to adjust the cook times.  More later, perhaps.

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