This man must have an extensive list of all the things he has “never seen before”. He likes the phrase, I suspect, as it suggests that he has “seen” whatever it is long before anyone else has. I’ve never seen before anyone use this phrase as much as Trumpy Don.
“Nobody likes a bad picture or painting of themselves, but the one in Colorado, in the State Capitol, put up by the Governor, along with all other Presidents, was purposefully distorted to a level that even I, perhaps, have never seen before,” Trump claimed in a lengthy post Sunday night.
See more at:
Colorado to take down Trump portrait at state Capitol after president demands removal of ‘distorted’ painting
(Unless, of course, you’ve already seen this before.)
Appropriate name, isn’t it? He likes to trump others in what he sees before anyone else does.
Or, a …
quick look at Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention in July shows that his dependence on superlatives has overtaken all his other oratorical habits. He used them to describe almost everything he discussed. The criminalization of political disagreement is “at a level that nobody has ever seen before.” The “inflation crisis” is “crushing our people like never before. They’ve never seen anything like it.” As for the “illegal immigration crisis,” well, “Nobody’s ever seen anything like it” either.
…from Nobody’s ever talked the way Trump does. It’s like no one before. Or so it seems
An Article the Likes of Which Nobody Has Ever Seen Before
Yahoo! News
But why stop there? Here are some of his quotes.
The 199 Most Donald Trump Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said
Who the fuck ever voted for this embarrassing person?