damn hamburger bun

I went to Safeway to get some cream for my coffee.  I’ve had milk in my coffee for four days now!  Imagine!  Gross.  It has a sickeningly sticky, hollow taste to it.  (Now enjoying a second cup mixed in with my first cup, with cream.  Much better.)

yesterday’s Lethbridge Herald

On the way, I picked up a Saturday newspaper and breakfast sandwich as A&W – a sausage and egg.  When I got home, I discovered to my horror that it was made with a hamburger but rather than an English muffin!  Imagine!  The guy back there didn’t bother to ask me which one I wanted.  Just looked at the customer and judged for himself which one I wanted.

Granted, I woke up kind of late today as I didn’t sleep well, and it is only 1.5 hours to lunch, so perhaps he arbitrarily decided that I needed a brunch rather than a breakfast.  Hmm!  Good god, what the heck is this world coming to?

I’m half-way done it now, and I have discovered that the hamburger bun – despite being made with sesame seeds, giving my breakfast an odd, lingering sesame seed flavour – is actually better than the English muffin.  Whooda thunk it?

I guess, in hindsight, it is a good breakfast sandwich.  Maybe I should let the professional A&W staff, whose culinary skills are what they are, do their jobs.

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