According to CNBC, the US bond yield curve has inverted, a significant indicator of a slowed economy.
Now I’m no professional economic analysis expert by any means – but is it not just as simple as knowing that the industries and, indeed, industrial models you’ve relied upon for “growth” all this time have started to fail because they should? Did the steam engine not get replaced by the Diesel? Then the Diesel-electric? Did stone houses not make way for brick, then wood, then steel & glass?
Is Alberta not suffering now because people have a poor idea of the reputation of oil sands? Lethbridge, for example, has an enormous amount both of sunlight and wind. Isn’t the writing on the wall stating that, within 20 years or so, oil will seriously on its way out? Now I’m not getting on the Liberal bandwagon and saying we should all convert farmland into solar panel land. … Then again, you’re building huge advanced greenhouses to grow pot. Good for you. (There’s a facetious tone to my remark, by the way, in case you couldn’t hear me.)
Instead of looking at this as a doom-and-gloom thing, this seems to me to be a sure indicator of the need for innovation, changes to the status-quo, advancement of “alternatives” (as though oil is the benchmark and everything else is an alternative). In short, the stuff you’ve invested in is losing ground. Stop trying to prop it up with make-shift measures. Let it die. Move into something else.
And Trumpy wants to open up more coal mines and “put Americans to work again”, as though going back in time will save us all. Fool! And you’re dragging everyone else down with you.